I've been super busy the last week, I finished 4 x 12 hours shifts in a row on Wednesday and today I am test running my first day as a domiciliary carer, which is very exciting. I also have been practicing my crochet, because frankly, I crochet like a small child. So here's how it's going, my tension is getting better but their is no way I can crochet to size yet.
I also have this cute little cross stitched butterfly to show you, I think it's beautiful and it only took me 4 hours. I got it free with CrossStitcher magazine. Also some more news, I was thrilled to be contact by The World of Cross Stitch to feature in letters page and I also won a prize, I've got to wait till the 20th June though, boohoo. I'm to excited. x
I have never really been able to get crochet right, so anyone who has a go is very good in my book. Well done - your work looks lovely. Well done with the World of Cross Stitch feature - very exciting. Hope you have a good week.